The Catalogue of Independent Arts

Ruby Slippers Theatre is part of an exiciting new Joint Marketing Venture ! We are pleased to introduce you to The Catalogue of Independant Arts.

What is The CIA?

Formerly See 7, The Catalogue of Independent Arts – or the CIA, for short – will be a full-colour, glossy, magazine-style guide to promote the independent arts in Vancouver. It will function as a directory of independent music, dance, theatre, literary and visual arts. The CIA is a diverse advertising campaign that capitalizes on the appeal of different artistic disciplines and creates connections through a joint venture.

Initially the magazine would be published once a year, accompanied by a launch event in the fall of 2012. 5000 print copies will be printed in the inaugural run, and 9000 electronic copies. They will be distributed to the existing mailing list of See Seven, and to coffee shops, galleries, venues, tourism information centres (such as Tourism BC), and medical offices. There will be an initial distribution in the early fall, and two top ups throughout the year.

Why would you want to be involved?

Because you want to be a part of a collective marketing campaign that is both effective and enduring. You want your organization to reach a wider demographic year round. You want to work collaboratively with other like-minded organizations to bring profile to the independent arts in Vancouver!

The CIA website will also feature links to all of the participating companies home websites. For more information, email us at