Ruby Slippers Theatre in partnership with the Vancouver Fringe Festival and Equity in Theatre proudly present:
According to a national study, in the Canadian theatre industry women account for 33% of the artistic directors, 34% of the working directors, and 27% of the produced playwrights. These numbers are even lower if you look only at the large regional theatres and summer festivals. And diversity? We think you know the answer to that one.
So as a direct response to the under representation of women playwrights, directors, and diversity in Canadian theatre (diversity in cultural background, physical and mental ability, sexual orientation and age), the Advance Theatre series will showcase dramatic readings of five new plays written by Canadian women playwrights, all directed by women. These readings will take place over five days during the Vancouver Fringe Festival, in September 2017.
If you are chosen to participate in the Advance Theatre series, Ruby Slippers Theatre and the Fringe will cover the costs of all rehearsals prior to the day of the reading, your technical rehearsal, promotion, theatrical venue on Granville Island, and artists’ fees for a public staged reading of your new play during the Fringe Festival.
Please send your play synopsis and a maximum ten page script excerpt to by February 15, 2017. One submission per person please. Successful candidates will be notified by May 15, 2017.
This is a curated process for women playwrights and directors living and working in Canada. Priority will be given to diversity.
Photo credit: Diane Brown by Tim Matheson